Ok time to drop some knowledge. let me start off with a quick tv review. we had the season ender of dexter this weekend. Knew the Trinity killer was going down but there was a shocker at the end. So if you haven't seen it Spoiler ALert(allll my life the spoiler-ST).The wife Rita was killed by the Trinity Killer. I wasn't a fan of her at all, so glad to see ya go.
As for my activities- Thursday went to Bruins game vs Leafs. Good game, win for the B's. Pretty good seats, dinner at Max and Dylans before the game. Hit them up sometime I'm a big fan.
Got some Cuban cigars this weekend, so good. Very strong. My first Cubans.
Saturday went to the Elks for a show. Was great to be back. Many familiar faces, had a great hangout. POW (what up RIR aka Rhode Island ROndo) put on a great show I was very impressed. Good job by Jimmy and Eric with the running of the show. After that dinner at Charlies then home.
So the big event everyone around town is talking about is the New Years Day Bruins game at Fenway. Tickets are wicked tough to get I hear. Mad props to the people working on this, such as characters like Jimmy K( local friend and old BHC participant) pictured above.
Upcoming agenda- Need to get Xmas shopping done. Might wait til next week though. Was thinking about how much Downtown Crossing sucks now especially this time of year. When Filenes and Jordan Marsh was there, they had Christmas season on lockdown.
Also this Sunday Buddha's new band will be playing. Can't wait to check it out.